Different materials for different designs

JUBILEE is a brand by designer Yasunobu Shimizudani. The brand concept is “Creating an item that is derived from a print design.” Different from the last collection which featured a #60 cotton lawn that is suited for making garments, the latest series has a refreshing new look. Depending on the design, different materials are used to print over an unbleached background. It is a versatile fabric that you can use for making clothing, bags, stole and re-making a T-shirt.

triangles JG44100-1A Cotton Linen Canvas
kokka-fabric.com JG44100-1_1kokka-fabric.com JG44100-1_2

The motif for this fabric is a triangle ruler. Despite its geometric design, pale color tones and dots accent create a softer feel.

frames JG44200-1 Oxford (Ox)
kokka-fabric.com JG44200-1_1kokka-fabric.com JG44200-1_2

A single frame is layered over and over to construct this design. Cotton oxford has a relative thickness and easy to sew. It is a perfect fabric for a sewing beginner to try making a stylish bag for the first time.

abacus JG44300-1 Double Gauze
kokka-fabric.com JG44300-1_1kokka-fabric.com JG44300-1_2

Somewhat unusual, this fabric features an abacus as a design motif. Using this soft double gauze material, you can make a stole by fraying the hem like in the picture