It is a bag that is the most popular item of handcrafted projects. A tote bag, a granny bag, a bucket bag…. Whenever you see a new fabric, you contemplate your next bag project, don’t you?
The bag in the above picture is made by the knitting textile artist kupu. Guess what the open weave bag is made from?
The answer is selvage of denim! It is the left-over parts during the manufacturing process of jeans.
“This selvage-woven bag is a little heavy because of its material, but it is popular with both men and women.” kupu says.
The good balance between the outer coarse weave and the self-effacing lining makes the bag fashionable. The leather handles gives the bag more style.
Knitted bags, which are her main products to make a living, have many devoted followers due to the unique coloration called “kupu-color”.
“Could it be anything for my next project?” Keeping such a thought, the curious kupu is always on the lookout for anything around her. This selvage “woven” denim textile was generated by a knitting artist and it is now used as a major material for bags.
Getting away for a while from your routines… To do so, you may get a new idea or inspiration you have never had before.
You can see the website of kupu at