Neko Funjatta (The Flea Waltz)

Neko Funjatta (The Flea Waltz)

A fun collaboration of a kitty and music

“A girl taking a piano lesson” is the theme of this fabric and it is perfect for making items for a new school year. Using the piano tune, “Neko Funjatta (the Flea Waltz)“ as the subject, which many of you may remember playing while growing up, a combination of cats and music is presented as design motifs. Moms and kids can enjoy items in pairs – perfect for kid’s items such as school goods and lesson bags.

Grand Piano   P25200-200 Oxford (Ox)

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  • 25200-200_4

A small grand piano and black cat walking on the keys – it is as if the light sound of Neko Funjatta (the Flea Waltz) can be heard from this fabric. The small size patterns are well-suited for making a cup holder or small cases.

Cat Face P25200-201 Oxford (Ox)

  • 25200-201_2
  • 25200-201_3
  • 25200-201_4

A “poker-faced cats design” covers the entire area of this fabric. A large motif makes for a strong impression. You can make cute smocks and parent-child pair aprons.

Neko Funjatta (the Flea Waltz) Border  P25200-202 Oxford (Ox)

  • 25200_202_2
  • 25200_202_3
  • 25200_202_4

Piano keys are used as design motifs, placed on both sides of the fabric. A wide width of the fabric is perfect for making lesson bags or a melodica (blow-organ) case. With a cat dancing on the keys to the tune of Neko Funjatta (the Flea Waltz) as its design motif, it is a very lovely fabric.