In the Irome series, fabric is used as a medium to express the unique colors developed by the Japanese since ancient times. A year has passed since Irome’s debut in 2014. The latest series carries over a theme from the previous season and with the addition of solid colors. Careful attention to the subtlety of colors is well represented in this series.
Spring HFG106-1 (A),(B)、HFG107-1 (A)、HFG107-2 (A)、HFG107-3(A)、HFG107-4(A)、HFG107-5(A) Solid: T/C Dungaree With Patterns: Broadcloth
In Japan, spring is the time when people are busy with starting something new. Bright color tones stand out, like encouraging people to make a new start. Sprouting greens were the inspiration for this design.
Summer HFG106-1 (C),(D)、HFG107-1 (B)、HFG107-2 (B)、HFG107-3(B)、HFG107-4(B)、HFG107-5(B) Solid: T/C Dungaree With Patterns: Broadcloth
With blue sky and indigo ocean as themes, Summer has a sober feel with clear and crisp summer colors combined with a deep sea blue. This series is suitable for making clothing among other things.